Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Team Logo 2

Inline Hockey Team, Komazawa NEXT Logo
30 May 2010

Komazawa NEXT is a team to enjoy playing hockey rather than to stick to the wins. Their strategy is well thought-out just like Odysseus' one during the Trojan War.

(Odysseus is a Greek king in Greek mythology. He is renowned for his intelligent attack. During the Trojan War, he made a wooden horse for the Greek to hide inside. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and later the Trojans found the horse. They pulled it into their city as a victory trophy and celebrated that night. When the Trojans started getting drunk, the Greek came out of the horse's belly and attacked the drunk Trojans.


Concept 1 (image 1 & 2)

The first concept is typography with a little icon of a bulb.
This logo is symmetric in its form. However, to give a dynamic feeling of potential hockey nature, both ends of 'NEXT' are enlarged like a fish-eye lens. 'KOMAZAWA' is placed along the top edge of 'NEXT'.

It will be made by vector art. They will be not too neatly lined up, but slightly moved like American old cartoon tytles' style such as the Popeye, the Pink panther, the Woody woodpecker, etc. The idea is not to make it look too serious as the team is more to have fun.

The bulb represents that this team plays based on its well-thought strategy. This will be kept very simple vector shape not to distract the team name.


Concept 2 (image 3 & 4)

The other concept is a hockey mask with two sticks crossed each other. This kind of mask is rarely used now, but it could be a symbol of aggressiveness as it looks like a scull and reminds of Jason's mask.
Two sticks are cossed behind so that the mask looks more like a scull.

The colours used are red and brown. Red is aggressiveness, and brown is from Odysseus's winning icon, the Trojan Horse.

1 comment:

  1. About the concept:
    The first concept is suiting your idea, you said the hockey team is enjoy playing, so you keep the logo looks not serious is matching the concept. The image 2 that bulb a bit looks a hand holding a ball. The red colour is good match with purple. The colour and bold typography are really looks like old cartoon titles, but the logos can’t make me associate with any hockey sport. How about the bulb change to the hockey ball, it might easy to remember the sport team.

    Hockey sometimes can be violent sport. When I see the mask logo, it does remind me the Jason’s mask, and I can associate with activity, attack and offensive. I like this mask logo concept. I agree you use brown and red colour, brown colour give me feeling is kind of old style and it relate with Trojans house, red colour is about angry and violent, the feeling is attack and stick to success. Also, the mask can relate on hockey players helmet and the logo design is fun, but I think the "Next" is too big, it’s a bit distract the main focal point.
