Tuesday, March 2, 2010




Odysseus is a Greek king in Greek mythology. During the Trojan War, he was one of the most influential Greek champions. He is renowned for his intelligent attack (the most known one is Trojan Horse trick), whereas the other heros are renowned for thier power.

On the course of Odysseus' journey, he encountered angry gods, storms, witches with transformational potions, the Underworld, and wily rocks that aimed to crush any passing boat. Even when Odysseus reached his home island of Ithaca, he wasn't done. After 10 years there had been some changes and Odysseus had to prove himself.

Image from: http://www.moyak.com/papers/odysseus-hero-trojan-war.html


Homer, or whoever wrote the great epic poems of ancient Greece, wrote about the Trojan War in two important books about ancient Greek and Trojan heroes, the Illiad and the Odyssey. The latter describes Odysseus' voyage home at the end of the Trojan War. The Trojan War took an interminable decade, and it took another 10 years for Odysseus to return home to Ithaca. When near the start of his return, Odysseus lost many of his men to the Cyclops Polyphemus, Odysseus poked out the eye of the Cyclops, earning for himself the enmity of the god of the seas on which Odysseus was trying to sail home.



The below (and the map on the left) is the journey of Odysseus from his home in Ithaka to Troy and back to Ithaka. When the tale has started, he was already at the point of 12.

0.Ithaka- 1.Troy- 2.Cicones- 3.Lotos Eaters- 4.Cyclops- 5.Aiolia Island- 0.Ithaka- 5.Aiolia Island- 6.Laistrygon ES- 7.Circe- 8.Underworld- 7.Circe- 9.Sirens- 10.Scylla&Charybdis- 11.Thrinakia Island- 10.Scylla&Charybdis- 12.Calypso- 13.Phaeacians- 0.Ithaka

Image from: http://mockingbird.creighton.edu/english/fajardo/teaching/eng120/odyjour.htm


Odysseus is a husband of Penelope, father of Telemachus, and son of Laƫrtes and Anticlea.


Original Trojan Horse from the Greek methology
During the Trojan War, Odysseus came up with the idea of making a wooden horse for the Greek to hide inside. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans found a huge horse instead. They pulled the Horse into their city as a victory trophy and celebrated that night. When the Trojans started getting drunk, the Greeks who hid in the belly of the Trojan Horse came out and attacked the Trojans and ended the conflict.
Image from: www.briankeller.info/trojan.html

Trojan Horse -computer virus
It is a program that appears harmless but it is actually harmful. When you download something and you don't get what you wanted or it opens a way to get into your computer. Sometimes it has everything you wanted, but it gives you other things that you might not. Trojan horses delete data that you have on your hard drive. You can't get everything you expected like the Trojans. This is why this virus was named Trojan Horse.

Trojan Horse -cocktail
A cocktail which is made of coke and staut beer. The colour of the coke and staut beer is almost the same so that it is not obvious to drink alcohol.



  1. Hello Yukky Yuki ! Where I can taste Trojan Horse -cocktail ?

  2. Go outside and walk towards McDonnalds, turn left at the signal and go up the hill. On the top of the hill, you'll find a big shop saying "woolworth".
    Don't forget to grab some coins before you go out!
